Mineral Deposition
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Mineral Deposition

The Packaged Natural Mineral Water is to be ideally stored and served chilled as it is most palatable and delectable under these conditions.

The health effects of the Natural Mineral Water

The health effects of Natural Mineral Water, generally, are attributed to its provisioning of different dissolved minerals. Minerals are inorganic compounds with biologically essential functions considered critical in bone and teeth health, regulation of hydro-saline balance, activation of various metabolic pathways, etc.

The availability of minerals from food may be lesser than Natural Mineral water, because in foods minerals are bound to complex molecules that can limit their availability/absorbability, instead in water they are present as free ions.

The Packaged Natural Mineral Water

The Packaged Natural Mineral Water is to be ideally stored and served chilled as it is most palatable and delectable under these conditions. However, due to abundance (TDS of MiQua ranges from 150-300ppm) of available minerals in the Natural Mineral Water, the minerals tend to associate through agglomeration/flocculation, coagulation, precipitation etc. under various physical/chemical conditions such as variations in temperature, pressure, or addition or removal of dissolved compounds like CO2, acidity and biological activity.



The Packaged Natural Mineral water Bottle

The Packaged Natural Mineral water Bottle, upon vigorous shaking, may sometimes show cloudy/hazy sparkled appearance. Any prolonged non-maintenance of the temperature conditions may cause the minerals to form crystals/globules which may appear as contaminants. Such appearance may not be true reflection of the unhealthy character of the Packaged Natural Mineral Water, but an unfortunate happenstance of the sub-standard logistics and/or servicing.

The cloudy/hazy appearance of Packaged Natural Mineral Water which disappears when stored under chilled conditions is definitely not a health problem or quality issue.

The patrons may be well advised to demand that their favourite Natural Mineral Water is always served chilled so that they can enjoy the bliss of nature to the fullest!!